Friday, March 13, 2009

One year 3 new countries?

I hope my students are this cute. Mom this is for you :)
I want to live here
So how weird is it that on August 14, 2008 I was on my way to the lovely New Zealand. On August 14, 2009 I will be in South Korea. I will have been in 3 different countries after only one year. I swear I am one of the luckiest people in the whole world. I cant wait to see what this next country has in store for me. I cant wait to meet all kinds of new people; perhaps learn a new language. I am so excited. I will put updates on life in general on here as well so you can keep up with how the road to South Korea is going. South Korea here I come! I hope they are ready for me. :)

Land of Oz

On our jumping crocodile cruise
On a crocodile, notice my gangsta hat.

Me holding a baby crocodile, I named him Stuart.

Ze bush

Me and Emily. It was so hot. Hotter than Fl. even

So one of my best friends Emily was in Australia and I decided to visit her before I went home. Here are some pictures from that.
Here is a video of a baby seal I got. We got off the bus and went and looked at a waterfall and this is what we saw. They were so effing cute. The boys didnt care, but you can hear the girls squealing in the background.

Yet some more pictures

These are from my bungee site... the blue one is the thing on the door of the girls' bathroom. Hahaha. If you watch and listen closely you can hear you telling my bungy guy this is the worst idea I have ever had in my whole life, as well as the girls I was with cheering. It didnt hurt, I just did it wrong. :)

Here are some more from the South Island.

Some pictures

Standing in a glacier
Standing on a glacier

One of our hiking trips. Pretty.

So I basically sucked at keeping up with this blog and now it is bugging me that none of my NZ pictures are up here. Now that I am planning on using it again I think it is best that I put up a few pictures from my last journey. There are a million of them so I will put up the ones I really like. The first ones are from my backpacking trip around the South Island.